So after supplying the gallery with a few new paintings, my mind needed to take a month off from painting. Before I left, I created 1 painting that has yet to be taken to the gallery.. its a little different. It is a mix of man made and nature. I used a photo my friend Charlie took while up northeast of Greeley in the grasslands. One of the many wind farms in this part of the country. I changed it up a bit and added some weather to it. I thought the mix of man made and nature would be a good change from what I had been doing.

"Harvesting the Wind"
Once I returned to painting last week, I decided I needed to take a break from the landscapes and try my hand at some new project. I am going to jump back in to a series of dog/pet images... This first one is of course a Golden Retriever... somewhat similar to the one I did of Kenai a year ago. I will probably end up doing 3-5 of these and if they turn out decent and the reception is good, replace some of my art at the galler ywith a few of them. They are smaller, and in turn might sell well. Who knows... I am loving the more abstract feel though,.. kinda fun. I will also be covering this painting with an epoxy resin coating, so I will take pictures of that
process and post them.
16"x20" mixed media