Ok, so this one is going a little off the normal path of my blog,... it could even probably be posted on my graphic design blog(self promotion there). But Kim reminded me of this digital art work I did about a year ago. I am think of possibly doing a whole series of digital works concentrating around this family of stick figures... who knows... maybe eventually a book will come from it. Anyway, this first work was created using Photoshop CS2 and Illustrator CS2. I find it amusing and kind of childish(in a good way).. I hope you do it.. and if you have other stick figure situational ideas, please send them my way... Also, I need names for my figures.. so help me out.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
A while ago I decided to paint Kim something for Christmas... a painting of something I dont usually paint. I decided to paint Kim some flowers. It was a fun experience and I think I will do it again in a much larger format, and maybe add some more textures. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and here is to a very prosperous and healthy 2010.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Large 2 panel painting
Hope this new post finds you all doing well, and having a great Holiday season. This new addition was actually begun 2 years ago. It was just recently that I decided it wasn't ever finished(some people say a painting is never really done, and most artists agree, there is always something in the back of your mind you would do to it). Anyway, This is a Landscape,....ummm I will name it Kansas Landscape. Kansas Landscape is a 2 panel piece that is roughly 36" wide by 30" tall each.. or about 72" by 30X when placed together. Please excuse the distorted photoshop job.. my camera was having a very tough time getting this one porportionally correct. Hopefully next year Santa will bring me a new Digital SLR(Hint Hint Santa Kim). We placed this pair in the bedroom above the bed once I finished. The Bed is a king size(to help you imagine the actual size).
Up next is a painting I did for a friend of mine. She has comissioned me for a painting to give her parents. I will wait till after Christmas to post an image of it though just in case they are reading this. I hope to be getting in the stuido more now that it is becoming cold outside.

Up next is a painting I did for a friend of mine. She has comissioned me for a painting to give her parents. I will wait till after Christmas to post an image of it though just in case they are reading this. I hope to be getting in the stuido more now that it is becoming cold outside.

Friday, August 28, 2009
Tree Illustration
I thought I would throw a quick illustrated painting I did of a tree up on here. I love to spend time on larger paintings, but sometimes getting into the studio for long periods of time just isnt in the books for me. Quick little jobs can give the same feeling of accomplishment though. This is a quick illustration of a tree in a desolate field. This one came from more of my graphical/illustration side that took probably 2-3 hours to create. Hope everyone is enjoying the last fleeting days of summer... Football is on the doorstep. :)

Tree Illustration
Mixed Media
Mixed Media
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Red Rocks and Treeline
I decided on this one to make a couple miniature paintings. I had a mat with 2 openings that I wanted to fill which has been sitting here for a few months. I wont lie, these were from a larger painting that I decided would look better made into 2 smaller pieces. I started with a blue base of paint(the sky blue that you can bee mixed in with the clouds) followed by a couple layers of different textures(paste and paper), then came back in with the top layers of paint.

Red Rocks and Treeline
Mixed media on canvas
mat size of 16"x20"
Mixed media on canvas
mat size of 16"x20"

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Red Trees
After a few month absence from the basement studio, I decided to jump back in with renewed energy. I had a painting sitting around for the past half a year just waiting for me to do something with it. The colors were a bit off and different, but I cant just let a big canvas go to waste. This is named "Red Trees" for lack of a better name and im tired this morning, so creativity this early is not present. Its painted on an 4'x2' canvas with acrylic paint. Im sorry for the glare. I tried taking many pictures but without investing in a better camera/ lights..etc this is what I have to show for it. Also, I should have taken a picture before I varnished the painting(note to self) so it wasn't so shiny. I hope to keep this updated more often and have paintings every week or 2 to add to this blog. Thanks for stopping by.

"Red Trees"
Monday, June 15, 2009
Time to get back in the studio
For the Past 2 months or so we have been in the midst of showing the house, trying to sell the house and (in my part) trying not to clutter the house. So I have been staying away from my basement studio. The inner art loving self has been eating at my business minded home selling self and I think it has gotten the best of him. While we are still selling the home, and still actively showing the house to potential buyers(if there are any left).. I have gotten back into the studio. I was down there 5 or 6 hours this past weekend working on a painting that I had begun probably 6 months ago. Sometimes its good to stand back for a while and take a different look at things.. be it your art of life in general. This painting I am working on is one I had kept pushing off to the side because of texture issues I had with it. After facing this dilemma and letting it ponder and ferment in my head for 6 months I decided just to tackle it with a fresh mind... and no better time then to do it after a couple month break from the studio.
anyway, I said all this jabber just to let you know that I am almost finished with another painting or two and should have something to post here in another week or so(hopefully I can shot images of it this weekend). Dont run away too far, come back soon.
anyway, I said all this jabber just to let you know that I am almost finished with another painting or two and should have something to post here in another week or so(hopefully I can shot images of it this weekend). Dont run away too far, come back soon.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
One main reason no new paintings..
We have decided to put up our home on the market and see if we get any takers. We have decided no better time then now to upgrade our living quarters and size of the home somewhat then when the market is down(now we just have to sell the house, which will be the hard part).. We are looking to move a bit close to my job, possibly in Windsor. The home prices there are a bit more then Fort Collins so it might be interesting to see whats available when/if we do sell our homes, but we feel the juice is worth the squeeze. In turn, I have cleaned up a ton of my art supplies for the short time being in my lil studio... Trying to keep it in showroom condition at all times might be tricky, but we are giving it a try.. And any of you who paint know its pretty much impossible to keep your working area clean like that, and still feel like you have the room and freedom to express yourself through your work. Hopefully we get showings galore and this will be a quick process... and then hopefully we will find a place we love in the 2 months or so the home is in escrow.. Anywho, if all else fails, which one of you has room for Kim and I, and our Labmix and Pitbull?... any takers?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
have not given up
Just a quick post to let you know that I should have some new paintings to post in the next week.. I have a couple partially done, and more on the way. Just needed some relaxation time after the bathroom remodel.
but more to come.
but more to come.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Bathroom is done
Finally finished the bathroom. Took a total of 8 days to finish, with no days off work.. so thats not too shabby. We really are enjoying the double sinks and new mirrors. We love the look and are excited to start using it more... and im excited to get working on other projects I had put on hold. I hope to get back to painting this week.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
This close to being done... (im holding up my fingers really close together)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Tile Done.. well almost
Sunday early afternoon we finished up the laying of tile. We need to wait till tomorrow after work to grout the tile.. then we move on to replacing the vanity and the new countertops and sinks..etc.. Which we hope to finish on wed. Below are some pictures of the process... I will now go relax my back a bit... though I will admit, Kim worked her butt off. She is a master tile layer now, and I consider myself a master tile cutter. Now I just need to learn how to use the wet saw without getting half the discarded chunks oll over me and lodged in my hair.
The backer board for under the tile.. on top of the sub floor.

The floor done for today.. grout tomorrow
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Bathroom Renovation
It might be a week or two before I get any new paintings up on the blog because we are renovating our upstairs bathroom. I will post pictures as we go. Started last night after work with taking out the toilet, vanity, and linoleum flooring. The below shots are of the before... Well, kinda before, I forgot to take pictures before I took out the toilet. Anyway, we will be putting in new tile, new counter top along with 2 sinks and all that(upgrading from 1)... I will blog as we go. Wish me luck on my first tiling experience.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
New Abstract
I decided to try another abstract. Seems like recently I have been switching back and forth in terms of subjects. I guess if I continue to progress in my ability and quality of work, then I wont worry too much about my lack of focus. I tried this one on a pre-framed picture I found on clearance at Bed Bath and Beyond. I loved the frame enough to buy it and gesso over the art work already framed inside. The painting is on a board(possibly plastic, though I cant tell for sure), and measures right around 30x30 I think. Anyway, it was on clearance from $70 down to $30 so I couldn't pass up on the frame, I will try to get a good image of it this weekend to post... this Image is of the painting right when I was about to varnish it. It is taped off with black tape around the edges(you can see some fo the glare from the tape on the upper left).. Anyway, hopefully this weekend I can get an image of it in the frame to post. The right side and middle block are painted with metallic paint and brushed texture, in person it is more shiny.

"Abstract 1" (because I couldnt think of anything neat to name it)
30" by 30"
Mixed media including different types of paper and acrylic on board
30" by 30"
Mixed media including different types of paper and acrylic on board
Friday, February 27, 2009
A little storm before the weekend
I am about to begin working on some more abstract pieces in the close future. To get ready for this, I wanted to try some outside mixed media along with some landscape themes.. This one is one of those.. Along with modeling paste type stuff, there is cardboard(you can see because of the glare) and also twine on this piece. I thought I would give it a try and it kind of acts like an abstract fence for the field. By no means is this a great work or ground breaking.. I just wanted to keep you in the frame of mind I am in, and let you know a bit of my process.
P.S.... Sorry about the glare on the added material.. kinda hard to get a good image.

P.S.... Sorry about the glare on the added material.. kinda hard to get a good image.

"Low Clouds"
Mixed Media on canvas
Mixed Media on canvas
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wood Blocks 1
I wanted to try something new... something different then I have ever done. I ended up using texture, washes, and rubbed on paint on wood blocks. I like the idea, It might just need a little refinement. I intend to do some more of this, so be on the look out for more of this coming your way. Wood is a great surface to paint right on.. no gesso, very easy. The only thing bad about this, is the image does not do the sheen and the textures justice. In person is is more vibrant and glossy looking. This is 4 4.5" wood blocks placed in a floating frame which is about 11" square.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Renew The Rockies
Last year Kim and I were lucky enough to attend a fundraiser party for a great local charity, Trees, Water & People.
We really enjoyed the music, Casino night, Free Beer, and the silent auction. You cant go wrong when you are helping out a great organization and you get free beer at the same time! This year's large fundraiser party theme is "Renew The Rockies" it is being held at the Lincoln Center on March 7th.
I have decided to help out this cause further by donating a painting to be auctioned off during the silent auction. I don't really know what to expect, but I hope I can help them out a little. If you are interested in a great party, a very fun evening, helping out a great cause, and possibly bidding on my painting/collage "Please toss me the ball, I love my ball" come to the Lincoln Center on the 7th... we will be there.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentines Day!
Not only is today Valentines day, but it is the 1st birthday for our newest member of our family, Kenai. It seems like only yesterday we adopted her from the Animal House Rescue. Its been a busy 7 months with heart surgery for her and tons of playful energy. We also like to feel that Kenai has changed some prejudices about Pit Bulls some of our friends and family have had. shes a great girl and im sure you will see her in a painting very soon.

Friday, February 13, 2009
This is a painting back in the vault I did a couple months ago. I finally got a decent image of it the other day when the sun was right. I'm having a problem narrowing down my focus of what I like to paint. I love abstract and also landscapes.. And on the other end, I am always attracted to portraits that have an abstract feel to them too, much like Todd White(linked on the side over there ---->
I hear that I shouldn't narrow it down, but every artist I enjoy viewing their works has narrowed their stuff down to something they really focus on in an attempt to better their craft..
I hear that I shouldn't narrow it down, but every artist I enjoy viewing their works has narrowed their stuff down to something they really focus on in an attempt to better their craft..
Anyway, bare with me while I begin to narrow down my focus a bit more.. I'm still deciding which subjects frustrate me the least when I mess up on them ;)
"Red Sea"

24" x 30"
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
This past Friday, Kim and I joined our friends Matt and Jami for First Fridays gallery walk in Fort Collins. If you haven't ever done a gallery walk or visited any of the gallerys on first Fridays I suggest you give it a try. The selection might not always be what you are expecting, but its usually very interesting. Most cities have something similar. In Fort Collins, they open the gallerys till 9 every first Friday of the month. Some of them have snacks and wine also. Its a great way to take in the local culture and its free. I hope to make it down to Denver for their first fridays some time and visit some of the great artists along the Santa Fe Arts district.
For this one I went back to the usual Acrylic on canvas. Its hard to beat acrylics for ease of use and good color. Many people love oils, and I would like to use them again, I haven't since college. This painting is larger then the past few at 20" by 48".

For this one I went back to the usual Acrylic on canvas. Its hard to beat acrylics for ease of use and good color. Many people love oils, and I would like to use them again, I haven't since college. This painting is larger then the past few at 20" by 48".

"Rain Shower"
20" x 48"
Acrylic on canvas
20" x 48"
Acrylic on canvas

Friday, February 6, 2009
I debated posting this image for the past few days. It isnt my best work, but it isn't supposed to be either. I am entering this in a competition for painting a mural at Medical Center of the Rockies. The painting(should it be chosen will be painted by me on a 9x13 wall in part of the Emergency Department's behavioral area). The competition will be tough, so im not expecting to win, but you cant win if you don't enter... right?... at least that's what I always hear.
I had a tough time trying to keep it simple, and not get too much gradient in it(the shading areas) because that will be very tough on the side of a wall to make it look good. anyway, big ares of the same shade are much easier for murals(i have a tiny bit of experiance. we painted one on the gym wall of my High School 10 years ago.) It will be a month till I hear if I was chosen, so don't hold your breath or you might pass out. Anyway, its simple for a reason, and they wanted something like " A soothing, natural scene, such as a mountain, beach, landscape, or other setting that is calming to the eye and soul". I hope your soul is calmed by this.
I had a tough time trying to keep it simple, and not get too much gradient in it(the shading areas) because that will be very tough on the side of a wall to make it look good. anyway, big ares of the same shade are much easier for murals(i have a tiny bit of experiance. we painted one on the gym wall of my High School 10 years ago.) It will be a month till I hear if I was chosen, so don't hold your breath or you might pass out. Anyway, its simple for a reason, and they wanted something like " A soothing, natural scene, such as a mountain, beach, landscape, or other setting that is calming to the eye and soul". I hope your soul is calmed by this.

"Front Range Color and Calm"
10" by 7ish"
Watercolor on Canvasboard
10" by 7ish"
Watercolor on Canvasboard
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Can you believe it... almost 70 degrees in colorado?.. anyway, back to the real reason for this post. A very talented artist located in Denver named David Castle sent me information on preserving watercolor works. He works on watercolor paper and then preserves it, and places it on gallery wrapped canvas... making it a whole piece, rather then framing it. I share the same belief that it brings the viewer closer to the work...
anywho... linked is his process on how he does it in case you ever wanted to try it, or was wondering.. David, thanks for the note and I appriciate the help.. you can view his blog by clicking on his link to the left, or clicking on the links below. http://davidcastleart.wordpress.com/2007/03/06/how-i-seal-my-watercolors-on-paper/ . or http://davidcastleart.wordpress.com/2007/07/06/mounting-and-sealing-my-watercolors-on-canvas-varnish-update/
anywho... linked is his process on how he does it in case you ever wanted to try it, or was wondering.. David, thanks for the note and I appriciate the help.. you can view his blog by clicking on his link to the left, or clicking on the links below. http://davidcastleart.wordpress.com/2007/03/06/how-i-seal-my-watercolors-on-paper/ . or http://davidcastleart.wordpress.com/2007/07/06/mounting-and-sealing-my-watercolors-on-canvas-varnish-update/
Monday, February 2, 2009
The dry and brown winter Northern Colorado landscape gave way to a inner need for some color. Again, I used watercolor on canvas board. I am really enjoying this, and may actually try a large canvas in the near future with watercolor. I had been using small canvas boards because I wasn't sure of the outcome and vibrancy of the color. I think a larger size of 20/30 or so is in the near future though.
I am also thinking of varnishing these works to preserve them, also it will cause the colors to become more rich. Ive never varnished a watercolor painting though, so if you have any knowledge on this, please let me know. I sprayed fixative on them, and the next step is the varnish(I think?!?)... i just hope the colors dont run... Any experiance with this, email me.
I am also thinking of varnishing these works to preserve them, also it will cause the colors to become more rich. Ive never varnished a watercolor painting though, so if you have any knowledge on this, please let me know. I sprayed fixative on them, and the next step is the varnish(I think?!?)... i just hope the colors dont run... Any experiance with this, email me.

12" by 9"
Watercolor on canvas board
Click on image for a closer look
Thursday, January 29, 2009
After working with canvas and watercolor on the last project I felt it would be interesting to do another work with it. The Sand Dunes down by Alamosa is the focus of this study. I thought the isolated feeling of the Sand Dunes would make a good muted color painting series. The fun thing about this medium on the canvas is it gives almost a printmaking feeling which I love.. almost a ink straight on fabric feeling too. The low clouds added some drama to what would otherwise be a boring image.
Monday, January 26, 2009
First Day, First Post, First Painting
I started this blog basically to have a place to post some of my work. Not that I need reassurance necessarly, but I am just at the infancy stage of getting my name out there a bit more. I love the idea of blogs having viewers that are vocal and can give feedback and criticize when my work needs to be knocked.
I have a list of a few things I would like to do in the next year, including...
1. Create enough good work to be able to approach a gallery about joining a group exhibit or solo exhibit in 2010.
2. Enjoy what I do, all while remaining to work 40hrs a week as a graphic designer, and some weekends as a freelance designer.
3. stretch my work to areas I haven't reached before. I want to learn new techniques and keep my style growing.
"3 Trees"
7.5" x 7.5"
watercolor on canvas board
I thought I would start out posting a painting I recently worked on. On this work, I used Daniel Smith watercolors. I know most water color painters don't use canvas, or if they do, they use water color canvas. Well, I went against the norm and tried this on a regular old canvas board. I thought I would give it a try, and I ended up really liking it. You have to give it a bit extra time to dry sense the canvas soaks up the water a bit, but if you let it soak up the water, it holds color quite well. I think if the work was very vibrant then the colors might have to be painted on very thick, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Painting watercolor on canvas, you can also see the texture a bit more then some would like. The last thing I really loved is that you can re-wet spots very easily and lift color still.
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