I found a new image that I wanted to paint from(below)..

(photo by Larry Brunt)
Last night i laid down the base layer of color. My technique of painting is really to lay down colors, then rub or scrape off dried colors revealing some of the paint underneath. I always do this in my sky sections... and usually on the ground too. It is an easier way to add interest and changes of hue to the work. I wanted to start with a grey sky, yellow ground, and some brown highlights. I also added some texture compound where the trees will be(you can see the middle of the painting on left and on the right, and very bottom). This by no means will be the final colors, I just dont like white as a background(some people use colored gesso instead of white).
The painting wont be an exact replica of the photo, because I use other people images, I dont want to copy their composition per say... just use it as a reference. Plus, mine always end up a bit more abstract and interesting.

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